Virtualna stvarnost iskustvo je u kojem simulacija stvara nešto naizgled realno, a u biti to nije. Ta simulacija dovodi tijelo ljudskog korisnika u povratnu spregu s računalno generiranom slikom i omogućuje mu kombinaciju objektivne fizičke okoline i neograničenosti sadržaja koji su nalik mašti i snovima.
Filip Zadro rođen je 1992. u Zagrebu. Diplomirao je filmsku i televizijsku režiju te oblikovanja zvuka na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti. Od 2023. radi kao voditelj kina Tuškanac.
Akademija dramske umjetnosti - ADU
Trg Republike Hrvatske 5, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
T. (centrala): +385 (0)1 48 28 506; +385 (0)1 48 28 507
Wonderfully executed horror short! Lighting and tone carry this film without question, but the use of technology as a plot driver and the first-person in-game sequences inject a lot of tension with lots of success. There was a part of me that was expecting the monster/killer to be controlling the child in the end as he kills his mother haha game within a game so to speak I would love some more attention to sound design and music, although I understand the limitations of the format and location, and I think the film may be better served by the tension reaching a peak at the end in a more severe and horrific way
Akademija dramske umjetnosti - ADU
Trg Republike Hrvatske 5, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
T. (centrala): +385 (0)1 48 28 506; +385 (0)1 48 28 507
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