The Lamb
- Nina Violić
- Igrani
- Drama
- 2019
- 15:56
Production company Spiritus Movens was created in 2006 under the name Gagić and Gold as production ground team of Bojan Gagić and Zdenka Gold. The productions we have worked on have always requested that we work under their names (eg. Zagreb Film Festival, ZagrebDox, Mainframe Production, Motovun Film Festival, Eurokaz Festival of World Theatre …) so we couldn’t realize a significant number of projects in our own production company. In the late 2008 we separated, and the company changed its name to Spiritus Movens.
Spiritus Movens is engaged in the development and production, sometimes distribution, of documentaries and feature films of all lengths. Our specialty are popularly called art house films, and our passion is to work with authors who are not primarily engaged in film, but we don’t run away from the weather!
Service production and production of advertising films are two branches of our business which make are very happy.
Božidara Adžije 23/1, 10000 Zagreb