
  • Judita Gamulin , Jasna Nanut , Čejen Černić Čanak
  • Feature
  • Drama
  • 2021
  • 15:43
  • Short length


In this short omnibus, three directors, each belonging to a different generation, direct their respective female characters and thus display different aspects of a car accident which, alongside the victim's life, irreversibly changes theirs as well.


Judita Gamulin

Born in 1992, holds an MA degree in film and television directing at the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Art where she has earned a BA degree in editing. To date, she has filmed the short films Daddy issues (2014), Minus 4 (2015), Flowers (2015), Marica (2017) and Sedra (2019).

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Jasna Nanut

Jasna Nanut was born in 1975 in Zagreb. After fifteen years of work on television, she dedicated herself to the film. She got her master’s degree in Film and TV directing in 2016. During her studies at the Academy of Zagreb she made short films Together (2014), The clean-up (2014) and Hands (2014), that have been screened at the Zagreb Film Festival, Plans d'Angers, Poitiers and many others. Jasna is a winner of two Oktavians, her graduate film Playing the Tiger (2015) and the first professional short film Tanya (2016).
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Čejen Černić Čanak

Čejen Černić was born in Osijek in 1982. She graduated in Film and TV Directing from the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Art. In her professional career, she directed short fiction films and documentary films. She is known for Uzbuna na Zelenom Vrhu (2017), Skretanje (2021) and Cura koja je voljela bajke (2014).

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Production contact

Academy of Dramatic Art, University of Zagreb

Trg Republike Hrvatske 5, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
T. (centrala): +385 (0)1 48 28 506; +385 (0)1 48 28 507 

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Production contact

Academy of Dramatic Art, University of Zagreb

Trg Republike Hrvatske 5, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
T. (centrala): +385 (0)1 48 28 506; +385 (0)1 48 28 507