- Daria Stilin
- Feature
- Drama
- 2018
- 19:32
Daria Stilin (Keršić) holds an MA degree in Business at the Faculty of Economics & Business (2015), and also in Film Dramaturgy at the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Art (2020). She has been writing professionally for more than a decade, in the form of writing novels, newspaper articles, essays, film reviews, copywriting, and screenwriting. She wrote and directed two short fiction films, Toast (2018) and Codfish (2020). She attended a number of noted workshops with her TV series and feature film projects in development: TorinoFilmLab TV Series – Extended, Script station within Talents Sarajevo, CineLink Drama, My First Script at ZFF, Branko Bauer screenwriting program within Croatian Film Directors’ Guild, etc. With her TV series projects Dream Hackers and The Splitting she won first place (2019) and second place (2020) at the New Europe Market (NEM Zagreb) Screenwriting competition. She has long-term cooperation with Nova TV and the production company Drugi plan.