The Funeral
- Tin Meze
- Feature
- Drama
- 2019
- 16:25
Born in Zagreb, Croatia in 1994. During high school he enrolled in Kinoklub Zagreb, and there started learning filmmaking. At the time he volunteered short film sets of the Academy of dramatic arts in Zagreb. In 2013 became a student of Ethnology at the Faculty of Sociology in Zagreb and had gotten familiar with documentary filmmaking while studying there.
In 2017 and 2018 he volunteered in PRO sector of the ZagrebDOX film festival, working with upcoming directors and producers from all over the world, and in later years became assistant producer in the same sector. In 2017 he passed the enrolling film course in blank_filmski incubator and started working on their productions. In 2018 he finished a year-long scriptwriting school „Palunko“ under the Croatian Film Association, and a year later finished the Restart School of Documentary Film. Now he’s working as a freelance photographer and filmmaker.